What we do:
We listen. We listen to understand you.
We then help you tell your family what and why you are doing what you are doing. We
facilitate a deeply emotional subject so that everyone understands and, more importantly,
respects the wishes that you have.
We do not judge.
We do this for you:
The Process – The Results:
We listen. We listen to understand you.
We then help you tell your family what and why you are doing what you are doing. We
facilitate a deeply emotional subject so that everyone understands and, more importantly,
respects the wishes that you have.
We do not judge.
We do this for you:
Talk with us. We will listen to understand your wishes and your motivation in what you want to do and why, with whom.
We will help you speak with your loved ones in a caring and loving way on your plans, within your Will.
We help dissipate anger and frustration. These are the emotions that translate into broken family relationships and legal action.
Legal fees and litigation can be more than $20,000 for just a $1,000,000 estate. These costs escalate from here. This is the reality.
We work to reduce costs to your Estate.
We also protect you with a Non-Disclosure Agreement. Nothing will be disclosed about your Will and on what subjects of which we speak. This is between you, us, and those in the Will.
We are here to save you money, frustration, anger,
and legal costs because of family disputes.
Avoid the Avoidable
LEGACY is a Legacy Learning Academy Inc. company.
The name LEGACY, its services, and its website’s content are proprietary and copyright protected.
For Information and General Inquiries Please Write Me Here: Info@Legacylearning.com
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Website Designed & Developed by Rizwan Anwar